Friday, January 2, 2015

At home facial for under $50

Happy Skin, Happy feeling with-in

I find that on days that I am feeling stressed, or have worked a few hours of overtime, or at a particular time of the month my skin freaks out. The way I deal with the breakouts that come from sleep deprivation and stress are giving myself an at home facial. A spa facial is great, but for me, sometimes all I want is to be at home in my pajamas and this is an easy step to achieving a similar face feel. I love facials, professional ones are amazing- but for a girl on a budget, getting a $80+ spa treatment is a splurge, and more often than not especially with work we do get stressed. When you give yourself this facial make sure you have the time to enjoy the benefits of it. Take a day or evening where you have a little extra time and just relax- take yourself away from the hustle and bustle.
First, your going to want to set your spa "scene":
For me this means lighting a few candles in my clean room, nothing stresses me out more at home than having a pile of clothes to wash and put away- I usually stuff everything in my closet before I begin "treatment".
Next- I make my bed, and spritz lavender vanilla pillow mist  all over it, this added step is $10 at Bath and Body works.

Finally, I close the door to my room, dim the lights and put on Spa Music on my Pandora.

Then I begin.

All of these things were found at my local walmart. 
The steps to the facial:
1. Clean off all makeup with a makeup wipe 
2 Cleanse my face with Biore blemish fighting ice cleanser $6.47
I love this product because of the cooling feeling, you feel it working immediately and for me the cooling feeling makes me feel extra squeaky clean!
3. Tone the face with neutrogena oil free acne stress control triple-action toner $6.97 and a cotton ball, don't soak it- but saturate it enough so that it gets on the skin.
Salicylic acid is in this product, which is great for those prone to breakouts.

4. Now to exfoliate I used St. Ives apricot cleanser $3.27 
I picked the cleanser because it still has the beads to exfoliate without it being so harsh on the skin, I added a little baking soda to make it a more intense scrub- this will strip away dead skin without any harshness or added chemicals. Sometimes I add the regular apricot scrub to this cleanser as well, but that does tend to be more harsh on the skin.
5. After washing the scrub off, The next step is to steam the face, this was done by using a  hot washcloth or taking a hot shower. I ran it under hot water, rang it out and places it over my face until it got cold, and then repeated. 
You can also use the sink plug, run hot water and place a towel over your head.

6. Now time to take out the blackheads! 
Using Biore deep cleansing strips $8.47 ( 14 count) I dampened my nose and placed the strip on for 15 minutes. 
Pulling out all your impurities after is pretty interesting. Remember to take it off slowly from both corners pulling forward- If you take it off too quickly it could damage the skin... and OUCH! does it hurt.

6. I then toned my face again using the same Neutrogena product (you do not need to add this step if you do not want to)

7. Finally it was time for my mask. I love this mask, not only does it minimize pores it will help clear away any black heads that the Biore strips missed. I apply this using a flat foundation brush.
Queen Helene mint julep mask $2.47


I let the product sit for 15 minutes before washing it off with warm, then cool water. 
8. Moisturizing, I start with eye cream- always apply moisturizer's thinnest to thickest on the skin.
This eye firming treatment I really like, its subtle and the benefits of blueberries is it helps neutralize oils and helps prevent against free radicals so your skin keeps that young appearance.
Say Yes to Blueberries eye treatment is $9.90
I used olay active hydrating beauty fluid lotion $5.94 
All in all this at home facial cost a total of $45.00. That is what the price of just one high end product, at it's cheapest. The facial was good and just what my skin needed! 
If you like posts like this let me know, I will be posting about my favorite high and low end skin care and makeup products.

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